Kallahti outdoor recreation area

Kallahdenniemi is a beautiful esker peninsula that protrudes to the sea from Vuosaari. The peninsula has great sandy beaches on its shores, and its vegetation is dominated by pine forests. The esker continues underwater to the sea. The entire peninsula is covered by the national esker protection programme.
Nainen istuu kalliolla ja kiikaroi merelle
Photo: Teemu Saloriutta

What does Kallahti offer?

Access to the Kallahdenniemi peninsula is through the magnificent Kallahdenharju conservation area. Follow the walking path along Kallvikinniementie to arrive at the Kallahdenniemi beach kiosk. There are bike racks where you can lock your bike to the frame. The Kuningatterenpolku trail leads all the way to Kuningatar at the tip of the peninsula. Please note that according to the restrictions on nature reserves, you must stay on the marked trails in protected areas. 

Kallahdenharju trails

You can hike around the Kallahdenharju nature reserve by following the marked trails. The trails are marked by fences and ropes to prevent erosion and save nature. There is no winter maintenance on the route.

Kallahdenniemi nature trail (1.5 km) 

Kallahdenniemi has a nature trail that starts near the beach kiosk. The nature trail is a loop of 1.5 kilometres. There are information boards along the nature trail describing the esker nature. The trail travels through the protected coastal meadow of Kallahti. In the protected coastal meadow area, access is limited to the marked trails to avoid erosion of the sensitive coastal meadow vegetation. 

When the meadow is wet, approach the tip of the peninsula (Kuningatar) preferably along Kuningattarenpolku, the small sand road between the meadows. Cycling is not allowed in the nature reserve of the coastal meadows – you may cycle to the tip of the peninsula along Kuningattarenpolku. There is no winter maintenance on the route.

Kallahdenniemi nature trail on a map(Link leads to external service)



Lapset tutkivat luontopolun opastaulua, jossa on lintujen kuvia.
Photo: Mira Lainiola

Picnic spots 

Kallahdenniemi is a great place for a picnic. There are beautiful sea views for a break on the cliffs and shores. There are several groups of tables in the pine area next to the Kallahdenniemi beach. Also Kuningatar at the tip of the peninsula has a few tables between the rocks.

Restaurants and cafés

Kallahdenniemi beach summer café

There is a summer café in the kiosk building on the Kallahdenniemi beach. The kiosk is open when the weather is good. Regular opening hours are not available.

Restaurant Maininki 

Maininki is located next to the Kallahti sandy beach.

Restaurant Maininki (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Cafe Monami Beach House

The café is located at the Vuosaari kayaking centre, and it also serves lunch.  

Cafe Monami Beach House (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Kahvila Villa Ullas

Café Villas Ullas, which employs young people through work try-outs, is located in a red cottage at the base of Kallahdenniemi. The café opening hours will be updated on the Facebook page. 

Kahvila Villa Ullas (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Cooking shelters and fire places 

There are several fire-making sites and table groups in the area between the Kallahdenniemi beach and the kiosk. There are also separately marked areas where visitors can set up their own grills. Please bring your own wood or charcoal with you. Do not collect material from nature.  

Making a fire and using a grill outside the designated areas is prohibited.  

All fire-making is prohibited while grass and forest fire warnings are in effect. Please check the warnings beforehand on the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website. 

Warnings(Link leads to external service)


The public toilets at Kallahdenniemi beach are in use during the summer season. There is a portable toilet near the swimming beach of Iso Kallahti. There are toilets in the restaurant and the cafés. 

Grillaukseen osoitettu paikka on merkitty kyltillä
Photo: Mira Lainiola

Vuosaari kayaking centre

Rent a kayak or rowing boat from the Natura Viva kayaking centre and explore the eastern archipelago from the sea.  

See the locations of the nature reserves on the map.(Link leads to external service)


Kallahdenniemi is a good place for birdwatching, especially during spring and autumn migration.  Take your binoculars with you on your excursion and look into the shallows and the islets. 

Public beaches

Kallahti has two public beaches. Both beaches have outdoor exercise equipment and a children’s playground. 

Iso Kallahti beach

Kallahdenniemi beach


Lapsi kiikaroi hiekkarannalla merelle
Photo: Mira Lainiola

Villas in Kuningatar 

There are a number of empty villa buildings at the tip of Kallahdenniemi. Villa Kuhlefelt, which was partly built in the 19th century, is located at the tip of the peninsula in a prime spot next to the sea. You can walk through the villa buildings while exploring the nature of the area. 

Sanna’s sauna and winter swimming

The Vuosaari residents’ association maintains winter swimming activities in Sanna’s sauna, which is located next to the large beach in Kallahti. The sauna is not available during the winter swimming season.

Winter swimming on Kallahti’s large beach (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)



Kallahdenharju and the underwater shallows created by it form a unique natural habitat. The first underwater nature reserve in Helsinki was established in the area in 2019. Its purpose is to protect underwater habitats and the communities of species. The protected area is 228 hectares.  

The shallow area with the sandy sea bottom are among the few areas in Helsinki where eelgrass and stonewort grow. In spring and autumn, a large number of migratory waterbirds gather in the shallows. The coastal meadow provides a habitat for demanding plant species. In order to prevent the erosion of vegetation and to allow the birds to eat in peace, movement in the area is restricted, and some of the restrictions are year-round and some are in force for part of the year. 

There are several nature reserves in Kallahti. In order to protect nature, the use of the areas has been restricted through statutory protection regulations.

See the rules and recommendations for the area.

Kallahti nature reserves on the map(Link leads to external service)

Species observations in Kallahdenniemi

The iNaturalist application allows you to easily record your species observations on your phone. The artificial intelligence and other application users can help you to identify the species. The confirmed observations are recorded at the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF), where they serve researchers, authorities and nature enthusiasts.

Species observations in Kallahti and Kallahdenniemi(Link leads to external service)

Species observations in Kallahdenniemi(Link leads to external service)

Aurinko siivilöityy mäntyjen välistä harjualueella.
Photo: Teemu Saloiriutta

Rules and regulations for nature reserves

There are several nature reserves in Kallahti.  Nature reserves in Kallahti, location on map(Link leads to external service)

Please observe the following rules in the Kallahdenharju and Kallahti coastal meadow nature reserves

  • Stay on the trail on Kallahdenharju – moving outside the marked trails and cycling off-road is forbidden 
  • Do not cycle at all in the Kallahti coastal meadows (cycling is allowed on Kuningattarenpolku) 
  • Do not let dogs, cats or other pets roam free 
  • Do not make a fire, barbecue, or camp  
  • Do not damage the plants, fungi or lichens 
  • Do not disturb wildlife or damage nests  
  • No motorised vehicles 
  • Don’t litter

Please also observe the following rules in the Kallahti shoal nature reserve

  • Please stay away from the southern and southwestern areas of the shallows between 15 March and 30 April and between 15 August and 30 September. Paddlers have been assigned a separately allowed route for these times in the section between the Ahvensaari and Haapasaari islands. (Please refer to the Kallahti coastal meadow protection decision to view the restricted areas on a map) 
  • Do not ride a motorboat on the south and south-west coast of the Kallahti coastal meadow. The restricted area is bordered by Ahvensaari, Haapasaari, Prinsessa and Kuningatar. 
  • Do not ride a water scooter outside the boat lanes 
  • Do not anchor boats or fishing gear on the south, southwest or north-east side of the Kallahti coastal meadow, on the north or south-west shore of Santinen or on the south shore of Iso-Leikosaari.  
  • Fishing is allowed outside the restricted areas, in accordance with the fishing permits. 
See all protection regulations for nature reserves 

General rules 

In all outdoor areas, observe Everyman’s Rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: 

The trails in Kallahdenharju are soil-based and winding. There are also stairs along the trails. In order to prevent erosion, the route is marked by fences.  

The Kallahdenniemi beach is a sandy beach. The ground near the barbecue areas in front of the beach is more solid. The wide sand-covered Kuningattarenpolku starts next to the beach maintenance building and reaches to the tip of the peninsula. At the tip of the peninsula, the route around the peninsula becomes more uneven and narrower.  

In the protected coastal meadows in Kallahti, visitors must stay on the marked trails. To prevent further erosion, only use the Kuningattarenpolku route when the path in the coastal meadow is wet and muddy. 

Accessibility information for Kallahti’s nature services is still incomplete. Links to accessibility information will be available here when the analysis is completed. There are no lights or winter maintenance on the routes. 

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)
Kalliorantojen merimaisemaa
Photo: Mira Lainiola
Lapset tutkivat luontopolun opastaulua, jossa on lintujen kuvia.
Photo: Mira Lainiola
Polku on reunustettu köydellä ja puuaidalla
Photo: Mira Lainiola
Joutsenet lipuvat tyynellä merellä syysruskaisten lehtien takana.
Photo: Teemu Saloriutta