Fisheries control and info

The City of Helsinki’s fishing information point provides advice on matters related to fishing. Fisheries control ensures that the rules are complied with and that fishing permits are in order. In Helsinki, fishing is regulated on all days of the week and at all times of the day.
Kalastaja vavan kanssa kallion päällä meren äärellä.
Photo: Konsta Linkola

Contact information for the Helsinki fishing information point 

Fisheries control 

In Helsinki, fishing is regulated on all days of the week and at all times of the day. Fisheries control is carried out by fishing supervisors authorised by the City of Helsinki and fishing supervisors in the Helsinki-Espoo fisheries area. 

You can contact the fishing supervisors through the fisheries area coordinator.   More information on the website of the Helsinki-Espoo fisheries area (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

The fishing supervisors monitor compliance with the fishing rules. They check, among other things, that everyone has the necessary fishing permits. When you go fishing, please bring the necessary permits and your identity card with you.  

Helsinki-Espoo fisheries area

The City of Helsinki is part of the Helsinki-Espoo fisheries area. The main task of fisheries areas is to draw up a use and management plan for their area. The fisheries area is responsible for the implementation of the use and management plan together with the holders of fishing rights and the authorities.

Read more on the website of the Helsinki-Espoo fisheries area (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)