Pirkkola outdoor recreation area

Pirkkola is part of the Central Park, and its many hiking trails, fields and buildings make it an important hub in the Helsinki Central Park. The area of the forest terrain sports park is 66 hectares. The popular outdoor recreation area and sports park attract approximately 1,200,000 visitors annually.
Henkilö katsoo ylöspäin metsäpolulla.
Photo: Maarit Hohteri

What can you experience in Pirkkola?

Jogging trails in the snow-free season 

Pirkkola has two three-kilometre jogging trails, one covered with sawdust and one with crushed stone. The crushed stone trail is kept in running condition all-year-round. Both trails are illuminated. 

Pirkkola jogging trail (crushed stone), location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Pirkkola jogging trail (sawdust), location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Skiing tracks in Pirkkola  

In winter, Pirkkola has a three-kilometre skiing track that is suitable for both classic and skating techniques. The skiing track is illuminated. 

Condition of skiing tracks (ulkoliikunta.fi) (Link leads to external service)  

Pirkkola skiing track 3 km, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Kuva hiihtäjästä paloheinässä
Photo: Konsta Linkola

Janin lounas & Sport Cafe 

The Janin lounas & Sport Cafe restaurant serves in the Pirkkola swimming and ball games hall. The restaurant serves a daily lunch buffet, along with burgers, “home-style meals”, filling sandwiches and other cafeteria products.  

Janin lounas & Sport Cafe (janinsportcafe.fi) (Link leads to external service)  


There are toilets in the lobby of the Pirkkola swimming and ball games hall, and they are open when the hall is open. 

Pirkkola swimming and ball games hall, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

There are toilets, changing rooms and showers in the building next to the Pirkkola sports fields, which are open during the building’s opening hours. 

Pirkkola sports field building, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

There is a toilet in the Pirkkola skating rink, and it is open when the rink is open. 

Pirkkola skating rink, location on map (Link leads to external service)

Outdoor gym 

The Pirkkola outdoor sports park has a large outdoor gym, where you can find diverse outdoor fitness equipment for many kinds of exercise. With the equipment by David, you can adjust the load to suit your needs, and the different heights of the hanging and pull-up bars and the platforms also enable functional training.  

Pirkkola sports outdoor gym, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Outdoor exercise areas 

In addition to the outdoor gym, Pirkkola Sports Park has two outdoor exercise areas with a wide range of outdoor exercise equipment. 

Outdoor exercise area in the Pirkkola Sports Park (sports field), location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Outdoor exercise area in the Pirkkola Sports Park (near Plotti) (Link leads to external service)  

Swimming pool (Plotti) 

During the summer season, the outdoor swimming pool Plotti is open in Pirkkola. The area is supervised during the summer season. The depth of the pool is about one metre, and there is also a water slide, a fountain and a climbing wall. 

Pirkkola Sports Park swimming pool (Plotti), location on map (Link leads to external service)  


Weather permitting, the sports field in Pirkkola Sports Park will be frozen as a skating rink.

Pirkkola skating rink condition (Outdoor Exercise Map)(Link leads to external service)

Pirkkola sports park, skating rink (Sports and recreation)(Link leads to external service)


Pirkkola Sports Park has many sports fields that offer free access to various sports and exercise. The use of fields is either based on reservations or free use. The reservation status of the fields can be found from the sports venue calendar. 

Pirkkola athletics field, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Pirkkola artificial grass field, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Pirkkola volleyball court, location on map (Link leads to external service)  

Pirkkola grass field (only by reservation), location on map (Link leads to external service)  

You can see the available times for the sports facilities in the sports facilities calendar (Link leads to external service) by making the following selections:  

> Activity  
> Area   
> Location  
> Resource  

Adopt a monument 

Adopt a monument is a programme for the voluntary maintenance and preservation of old buildings and monuments of antiquity. Pirkkola Sports Park has defence equipment from the First World War Base XXII Station 12, which is located on the slopes and edges of a cliff rising to the northeast of Plotti. 

Base XXII Station 12 (adoptoimonumentti.fi) (Link leads to external service)

The Pirkkola sports park is located in a valuable forest area. The northern part of the area has moist herb-rich forests, fern groves, in particular.  

Important bird areas in Pirkkola (Helsinki map service)(Link leads to external service)   

The Citynature website presents the nature of Central Park 

Read more about the nature and history of Central Park.  

Central Park page (citynature.eu) (Link leads to external service)

General rules 

In winter, remember the skiing trail rules: no walking or dogs on the trails. Dogs are not allowed on the jogging trails, even in snow-free seasons. 

In all outdoor areas, observe Everyman’s Rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: 

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map

The Pirkkola outdoor recreation area has several outdoor and jogging trails of different lengths and a versatile sports park, which includes a ball game hall and swimming hall, fitness room and gym, an ice skating stadium, an outdoor gym, an athletics field and artificial grass and grass fields. The Plotti swimming pool is open in the summer, and in the winter, there are skiing tracks in the area and a skating rink over the sand field.  

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map. - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)
Ilmakuva Pirkkolan liikuntapuistosta.
Photo: Helsingin kaupunki
Ihmisiä luistelemassa Pirkkolan jääkentällä.
Photo: Helsingin kaupunki
Henkilö Pirkkolan ulkokuntosalin monitoimilaitteessa.
Photo: Maarit Hohteri
Henkilö Pirkkolan kuntoradalla.
Photo: Maarit Hohteri