Fishing regulations in Helsinki’s water areas
1. Angling, ice fishing and herring fishing with a rig are general fishing rights for which no permit is needed when adhering to the regulations of the Fishing Act (not applicable to the Vanhankaupunginkoski backwater. ELY Centre for Southwest Finland / Fishery Services, decision No 288/5710/2020).
2. When fishing using a Helsinki lure fishing permit, a Helsinki-Espoo lure fishing permit, or a tourist fishing permit, the number of rods you may use is not limited. When fishing from a shore, the maximum number of rods allowed is three, once a permit has been granted by the City.
With the exception of angling, all forms of fishing are prohibited from 15 May to 15 June At Vanhankaupunginlahti, Vartiokylänlahti and Laajalahti! Vanhankaupunginkoski and its backwater area are subject to separate fishing regulations.
3. Gigging is allowed from 1 July to 31 December with a gigging permit in City-owned sea areas.
4. So-called ‘rokastus,’ i.e. catching fish by gripping them with a hook externally, is always prohibited in all water areas. You must always take other people using the shores and water areas into account when fishing!
5. Fixed fish traps A maximum of four (4) fishing net permits, one (1) permit for long line with one hundred hooks, ten (10) hook permits and two (2) fish trap (katiska) permits may be granted per person. The permits are personal and may not be transferred to others. The traps must be marked with labels in accordance with the valid regulations (Section 48 of the Fishing Act, Sections 7 and 9 of the fishing decree (Valtioneuvoston asetus kalastuksesta, 1360/2015)). The trap label, complete with contact information, must be attached to the trap’s flagpole.
6. Fishing with a net The smallest mesh size allowed is 50 mm (55 mm as of 2026). This regulation does not apply to Baltic herring, sprat, or smelt nets. The smallest mesh size allowed for salmon nets used in surface and intermediate waters is 80 mm. Catching trout with surface nets is prohibited. One fishing net permit gives you the right to use a net with a maximum length of 30 metres. Fishing nets may be lowered into a line with a maximum of four (4) nets used. Setting nets made from (monofilament) netting exceeding the strength of 0.20 mm, braided thread or a strong fibre material closer than 50 metres from the shore is prohibited from 1 April to 15 May and from 1 October to 31 December in 2024–2030.
7. Vantaa River All fishing is prohibited in the rapids and stream areas from 1 September to 30 November. A quota of two (2) salmonid fish per day is applied to the river. Salmonid species include fish such as trout, salmon, rainbow trout, grayling and common whitefish. Trout, salmon and whitefish are protected in the creek and the river section flowing into the sea from 1 September to 30 November. Grayling are protected from 1 April to 31 May.
Trout and salmon with adipose fins must always be released immediately.
From 1 December to 30 April, fishing in the rapids and stream areas is only allowed with lures and flies equipped with barbless hooks, in addition to which any salmon and trout caught must be released (incl. those without adipose fins). Wading in the rapids and stream areas is prohibited from 1 September to 15 June. Angling and ice fishing are prohibited in the rapids and stream areas. Please note! On 15 June, Pitkäkoski is reserved for the qualification competition for the Finnish fly fishing championships.
Vanhankaupunginkoski is a separate special permit area. Fishing in the backwater area of Vanhankaupunginkoski requires a separate permit, either a backwater fishing permit for Helsinki residents or a tourist permit for non-Helsinki residents.
8. Minimum sizes, quotas and hooks: pike perch under 42 cm (45 cm as of 1 April 2026), grayling under 35 cm, and salmon under 60 cm. The minimum size for trout without adipose fins is 50 cm. Trout with adipose fins are entirely protected in both river and sea areas. The minimum size for trout without adipose fins is 60 cm when fished from the Vanhankaupunginkoski backwater area or rapids. The catch quota for pike perch is three (3) per day in the entirety of the Helsinki-Espoo fishery area with the exception of commercial fishing and net fishing. Lure fishing for sea trout is only allowed with lures equipped with no more than one barbless triple hook or two barbless single hooks.
9. Trap fishing in sea lanes, anchoring spots and harbour areas is prohibited. Fishing at beaches is prohibited and lure fishing that may disturb water transport is prohibited in boat harbours.
10. Fishing restriction areas are marked in the City’s fishing waters map: The fishing zone of the Vantaa River; the area between Sörnäisten rantatie, Hanasaari, Merihaka, Sompasaari and Tervasaari, and the Siltasaari strait; Töölönlahti; the northern side of the Vuosaari bridge; Pikku-Huopalahti and Iso-Huopalahti: Fishing with fixed fish traps (such as fyke, katiska, fish nets, and hooks) is prohibited all year round.
Fishing covered by general fishing rights (angling, ice fishing and lure fishing) is prohibited all year round in the flowing waters of the backwater areas of Mätäjoki, Haaganpuro, Viikinoja, Mustapuro, Mellunkylänpuro and Krapuoja.
Vanhankaupunginlahti, Hopeasalmi, Kaisaniemenlahti, Eläintarhanlahti, Sompasaarensalmi, and North Harbour: Fishing with fixed traps is prohibited from 1 April to 1 January until 12.00 noon.
Kruunuvuorenselkä (including Kaitalahti and Haakoninlahti. Demarcated by Uunisaarensalmi and Uuninsuu to the west, Särkänsalmi and Kustaanmiekka to the south and Koirasaari-Vasikkasaari to the east) and Tullisaarenselkä: Fishing with fixed traps is prohibited from 1 May to 30 September until 12.00 noon.
Vartiokylänlahti: Fishing with fixed traps is prohibited from 1 April to 1 January until 12.00 noon. On the north side of the Vuosaari bridge, fishing with fixed fish traps is prohibited all year round.
Laajalahti: Fishing with fixed traps is prohibited from 1 April to 1 January until 12 noon.
11. The water areas of Kaunissaari, Skogsholmen, Granö and Eestiluoto in Sipoo; Laajalahti in Espoo; Lähteelä in Kirkkonummi; Elisaari in Ingå; Bengtsår in Hanko and Vantaanjoki: Only angling, ice fishing and lure fishing are allowed. The same lure fishing permits apply to these areas as any other water areas.
12. Please note! The notification obligation regarding certain endangered fish species is valid as of 1 January 2025 at leads to external service). Downloading and using the Omakala app is free of charge.
Please note! Restrictions concerning moving about in nature conservation areas and landing and fishing in them have been issued. Fishing and landing is mainly prohibited in birdlife conservation areas from 1 April to 15 August. More detailed, conservation area specific information is available in the Nature Information System at….
Laajalahti: All forms of fishing and recreation are prohibited in the nature reserve area located in the western part of Laajalahti.
Viikki-Vanhankaupunginlahti: All fishing is prohibited. Accessing the area outside the marked routes is prohibited when the water routes are free of ice. Saunalahti area: moving about in the area is prohibited from 1 March to 30 November. Fishing and using a boat or motorised vessel or vehicle is prohibited all year round.
Ruutinkoski: Fishing from the shore is allowed in the marked areas. Angling and ice fishing are prohibited in the rapids and stream areas. Moving around the land areas is only allowed along the marked routes (guide posts in the area).
Pitkäkoski: Fishing is prohibited in the Pitkäkoski nature conservation area owned by the City of Helsinki. Moving about in the area is only allowed on the marked routes.
Nuottakari and Matalahara: Landing or coming closer than 25 metres from the islands is prohibited from 1 April to 15 August. In this area, fishing is completely prohibited, except for surf fishing, which is allowed from 16 August to 31 March.
Tiiraluoto: Landing is prohibited all year round.
Rajakupu, Variskari, islets on the southern side of Seurasaari, Koirapaasi, Puolimatkansaari, Pormestarinhepo, Norppa, Kuutti, Vuorilahdenpaadet islets, Prinsessa, Pihlajaluodonkupu, Välikari islets, Madeluoto, Morsianluoto, Pormestarinluoto islets and Korkeasaarenluoto: Fishing, landing and coming closer than 25 metres from the islands are prohibited from 1 April to 15 August. An exception to this is the water area on the northeastern side of Kuutti (on the side of Valas) which is protected from 10 metres from the shore and the Vuorilahdenpaasi islets, where the water area between the mainland and the two islets closest to the mainland is not protected.
The shore meadow and water area of Pikku Niinisaari: Fishing and moving about in the water areas is prohibited from 1 April to 15 August. Accessing the land area outside the marked routes is prohibited.
The southern end of Harakka and Vanha-Räntty: Fishing, landing and coming closer than seven (7) metres from the islands on their eastern and north-eastern sides or 25 metres on other sides are prohibited from 1 April to 15 August.
Kivisaari islets: Landing, fishing or coming closer than 25 metres from the islands is prohibited from 15 April to 31 July.
Särkkäniemi: Fishing is prohibited outside the areas separately marked for fishing. Moving about in the area outside the marked pathways is prohibited from 1 April to 1 August.
Loppikari, Kalliosaarenluoto and Kallioluoto: Fishing and landing on the islets are prohibited from 1 April to 31 July.
Östersundom bird wetlands: Fishing and using motorised vehicles or boats in the area is prohibited. Moving about outside the routes shown in the maintenance and use plans and marked in the terrain is prohibited from 1 April to 31 July.
Eastern part of Porvarinlahti: All fishing is prohibited. Using motorised vehicles in the area is prohibited from 1 April to 15 August in order to ensure the nesting peace of birds.
Topeliusviken: Fishing and using motorised vehicles in the area is prohibited.
Kallahti bank: Moving about in the area south-west of the Kallvik peninsula is prohibited from 15 March to 30 April and from 15 August to 30 September. Motorised boats are prohibited all year round. Fishing boats must not be anchored in the anchoring prohibition areas. See the map of the area.
Fishing permit for the rapids area 2024
You need a rapids permit for fishing in the Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids area. For information on the permits and the purchase of permits, visit the Fishing permits and prices page.
Fly-fishing (odd-numbered days)
- Fishing is only permitted with fly-fishing equipment.
- A maximum of three single hooks or one double/triple hook may be used.
- Barbless hooks are mandatory from 1 December to 30 April.
- The maximum permitted hook size is 8 mm as measured from the shank to the tip of the hook.
- Wading is prohibited between 1 September and 15 June.
- Fishers must keep safe distances of at least 3 m from one another.
- As of 1 October, the maximum permitted fish hook size in whitefish fishing is 6 mm as measured from the shank to the tip of the hook.
Lure fishing (even-numbered days)
- Fishing is only permitted with lure fishing equipment.
- A maximum of one triple hook or three single hooks may be used.
- The maximum permitted hook size is 8 mm as measured from the shank to the tip of the hook.
- Barbless hooks are mandatory from 1 December to 30 April.
- Wading is prohibited between 1 September and 15 June.
- Fishers must keep safe distances of at least 3 m from one another.
- As of 1 October, the maximum permitted fish hook size in whitefish fishing is 6 mm as measured from the shank to the tip of the hook.
General regulations applicable to both forms of fishing in the rapids area
- Fishing from bridges and boats is prohibited.
- A fishing permit entitles the holder to use one rod at a time.
- Lines and rubbish must be disposed of in bins, with no exceptions.
- Minimum fish measurements: salmon 60 cm, trout 60 cm and pike perch 42 cm (maximum measurement 70 cm).
- Catch quotas: common whitefish, salmon, trout, rainbow trout, asp, Northern pike and pike perch: 3 fish/fishing session, of which 1 may be a salmon or trout with the adipose fin removed.
- Fish that have lived in the river throughout the winter (salmon/trout descending to the sea from spawning) must be released between 1 December and 30 April.
- Salmon, trout and whitefish are protected for the period 1 September–30 November, when there is a total fishing ban in the upper rapids. There are no designated fly or lure fishing days during whitefish fishing season.
- Wading is prohibited in the rapids from 1 September to 31 May, at other times it is recommended that wading be avoided.
- A fishing spot may be held for 15 minutes, with the direction of movement being downstream.
- Angling and ice fishing in the rapids is prohibited!
- Catching fish by gripping them with the hook externally is forbidden!
- Fish hooked outside the mouth must be immediately released, regardless of the condition of the fish!
- The boundaries of the rapids area and protected areas are indicated with signs in the terrain.
- We recommend the use of safety glasses.

You need a backwater fishing permit for lure fishing
- The backwater fishing permit is a lure fishing permit for the backwater area in Vanhankaupunginkoski for the residents of Helsinki. The permit entitles you to fish using one rod and lure/hook.
- All adults need a permit, including the elderly. Only under 18-year-olds do not need a backwater permit.
- In addition to the backwater permit, 18–69-year-olds must pay the state fisheries management fee when they fish in the backwater.
See the instructions and buy the permit on the Fishing licences and prices page.
Angling in the backwater
- Angling with a rod with no reel and a fishing rod assembly (line, bob, sinker and a single hook at the bottom) is free of charge for both adults and children.
- You are not allowed to angle and lure fish in the backwater area at the same time.
Where and when you are allowed to fish
- Fishing in the backwater pool is prohibited between midnight and 6 a.m.
- The boundaries of the backwater area are indicated by signs on the shores.
- Fishing is prohibited in the protected area downstream of the dam. The boundary of the protected area is indicated by yellow signs on the banks.
- Fishing from a bridge, boat or floating tyre is prohibited.
- You must keep a safe distance of at least 3 metres from others.
- Use of baited nets is prohibited.
More detailed rules for lure fishing
- The lure may be a spinner, spoon, wobbler or fly when using fly-fishing equipment, a single hook is allowed in jig fishing and a bait is allowed when reel fishing. The maximum permitted hook size is 10 mm as measured from the shank to the tip of the hook, 15 mm in jig fishing. Additional hooks and leaders are forbidden when lure fishing.
- Fishing without a lure is forbidden. Sinkers, nuts and hooks as well as anti-weed protection triple hooks used on their own are not lures but snagging equipment.
- Catching fish by gripping them with a hook externally is forbidden. The fish must be caught by its mouth (not its head, gills, side or tail fin but mouth only). Fish hooked outside the mouth must be released immediately, regardless of the condition of the fish.
Fish quotas, fish dimensions and fish to be released
You must stun and kill your catch immediately!
- The quota for whitefish caught with scoop nets is three a day, one a day for rainbow trout and three a day for pike perch.
- The quota for smelt caught with scoop nets is 15 litres/fisher/day. Catching smelt with scoop nets is only allowed during spawning. The spawning lasts approximately 1–2 weeks from the start, the exact date is not known in advance. Other fish species must be released.
- Salmon, Northern pike, trout and asp quota is one fish a day. Fish that have lived in the river throughout the winter (salmon/trout descending to the sea from spawning) must be released.
- Trout and salmon caught whilst scoop net fishing for whitefish (between 1 September–31 December) or for smelt in the spring or whilst angling must be released immediately.
- Trout and salmon of sufficient length with their adipose fins removed may be caught (with the exception of fish that have lived in the river throughout the winter), those whose fins have not been removed must be released. If you catch and do not release a trout whose fins have not been removed, you must pay EUR 3,260!
- Minimum fish measurements: salmon 60 cm, trout 60 cm and pike perch 42 cm.
- Pike perch over 70 cm and Northern pike over 80 cm in length must be released alive or dead.