Western Neitsytsaari is located near Vuosaari and is easy to reach, for example, by rowing or kayaking. The exquisite sheepback rocks and spacious views are perfect for hiking and recreation. The island has a water supply, unlike many other islands in the region. The nature of the island is typical of a villa island, and it withstands recreational use well.
The public mooring sites of Western Neitsytsaari are located on the southwestern side of the island, with mooring rings in the cliff. You can also reach the island, for example, with a SUP board or a kayak, in which case you may land on either side of the island.
Western Neitsytsaari has a cooking shelter, barbecue area and toilet. The cooking shelter has no firewood, so please bring your own.
You can also reach Western Neitsytsaari, for example, by taxi boat.
Taxi boat(Link leads to external service)
General rules
In all outdoor recreation areas, observe everyman’s rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: