Pirttimäki outdoor recreation area

Pirttimäki and Karjakaivo together create a unified outdoor recreation area. This wilderness area, shaped by the Ice Age, is characterised by great differences in elevation. The peaceful landscape is dominated by steep cliffs and boulders, many lakes and ponds with beautiful shores as well as lush marshes and wetlands. The area has a 1.8-hectare hazel grove.
Henkilö istuu rannalla, toinen henkilö kahlaa vedesä.
Photo: Konsta Linkola

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map

The area has dozens of kilometres of hiking trails, cooking shelters, a local sports facility, ball sports fields, ponds that allow fishing and a main building with a café and a club room, among other things. 

Services of the outdoor recreation area on the map. - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Description of the outdoor recreation area 

The City of Helsinki bought the forest estate known as Dahlbacka in 1946. The Finnish name Pirttimäki was soon established as the area’s new name. After years of acquisitions, the area has grown to its current size of over 430 hectares. 

There is a café in connection with the main building of the outdoor recreation area, and the café also manages the reservations for the area’s sauna and club room. The club room is also suitable for meetings and training sessions. Reservations can be requested either by phone at +358 (0)45 123 7040 or by e-mail at pirttimaki@luukku.com (Link opens default mail program)  

Read more about Pirttimäki’s Café Ukén here (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)  

The outdoor recreation area has toilets in Sorlampi, Hynkänlampi and Sulalampi. There are also three cooking shelters in the area, and it is forbidden to make a fire elsewhere in the area. 

There is a local sports facility, a playground and ball sports fields suitable for badminton, volleyball and football in the vicinity of the main building. 

There are 20 km of guided hiking trails in the Pirttimäki area, 16 km of which are crushed stone-based and 4 km of which are soil-based. In the winter, the hiking trails serve as skiing trails for the classic cross-country skiing style, the longest trail is 8 km and the shortest is 3 km. The connecting routes are Pirttimäki–Karjakaivo–Solvalla (approximately 7.5 km) and Pirttimäki–Luukkaa (approximately 8 km). There are 5 km of nature trails and a network of permanent orienteering control points in the area. 

Fishing is permitted in Pikku-Sorlampi, Malmilampi, and parts of Lajalampi and Hynkänlampi, owned by the City of Helsinki. There is a restriction on fishing rods in the area.  Sulalampi is a special permit area of Espoon Perhokalastajat flyfishing association.  

Map of the Pirttimäki outdoor recreation area (PDF, inaccessible, in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

General rules 

In all outdoor areas, observe Everyman’s Rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: 

Pictures of the place

Ilmakuva Pirttimäen ulkoilualueesta.
Photo: Helsingin kaupunki
Ilmakuva Pirttimäen hiihtoladuista.
Photo: Sami Saastamoinen
Ilmakuva Pirttimäen ulkoilumajan alueesta.
Photo: Sami Saastamoinen
Kaksi henkilöä kulkemassa metsätiellä rinkat selässä.
Photo: Konsta Linkola