Pihlajasaari beach can be found in one of the most popular summer attractions in Helsinki. The sandy beach is on the west side of the Pihlajasaari island. Pihlajasaari is located in front of Hernesaari island, and can be accessed by ferry departing either from Kaivopuisto or Ruoholahti.
You can check the water quality, temperature and blue-green algae situation of the beach via the ulkoliikunta.fi map service during the summer season. Lifeguards do not supervise the beach during the beach season.
In addition to the traditional changing shelters and shower and toilet facilities, the beach offers a volleyball court, a kiosk and a playground for children. The other services of Pihlajasaari are also found close to the beach. Pihlajasaari has 42 changing shelters, six of which are in public use. Other shelters have been rented with contracts valid until further notice, and new customers are not currently accepted in the queue.
Contact information
Period 3.6. - 11.8.2024:
– Mon-Sun 0.00-0.00
No lifeguard on duty
Services: changing shelters, shower, toilet facilities, volleyball court, kiosk and a playground.