Paloheinä outdoor recreation area

Paloheinä is one of Helsinki’s most popular outdoor recreation areas, with dozens of kilometres of trails in the midst of nature and a variety of outdoor recreation and fitness facilities. In winter, Paloheinä’s ski trails are used by thousands of city residents.
Henkilö hiihtämässä Paloheinän ladulla.
Photo: Maarit Hohteri

What can you experience in Paloheinä?

Fitness trails in the snowless season 

Paloheinä has four fitness trails of varying lengths, which are lit and covered with mulch. 

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen kuntorata 1,7 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen kuntorata 3 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen kuntorata 5,9 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen kuntorata 7,2 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Haltiala's nature trail (Mire trail) 

There is a 1.2-kilometre guided mire trail in the Haltiala nature reserve in Paloheinä. The trail runs through a forest path and over duckboards.  

Haltiala nature trail description and route on the map (Link leads to external service)

Niskala arboretum  

In the Niskala arboretum, we have created a nature trail called ’Know your trees’ geared especially towards children, introducing them to the life cycle of trees. The nature trail has illustrated information boards. 

Niskala arboretum (vihreä leads to external service)

Kuninkaantammentien ulkoilureitti (2,4 km)

Voit kulkea Kuninkaantammentien ulkoilureittiä Niskalan arboretumista Pitkäskosken majalle. Reitillä ei ole erillisopastusta. 

Kuninkaantammentien ulkoilureitti, sijainti kartalla (Link leads to external service)

Paloheinä’s ski trails  

Paloheinä has a network of dozens of kilometres of ski trails, where you can find routes of different lengths for both traditional and free skiing styles.  

You can see the up-to-date ski trail situation during the ski season on the map(Link leads to external service) . You can also use the camera of the Paloheinä ski area.  (Link leads to external service)

The ski trails are illuminated with the exception of ski trails on fields. The first-snow ski trail is covered in snow with the use of snow cannons. It is usually the first ski trail in Helsinki that skiers are able to use. 

Paloheinän ensilumen latu 1,0 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen latu 1,7 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen latu 3 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen latu 5,9 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän metsälenkin latu 6 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän ulkoilualueen latu 7,2 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinän peltolatu 8,2 km, sijainti kartalla(Link leads to external service)

The Paloheinä ski tracks are sometimes reserved for ski schools, for example. You can see the current booking situation in the sports facilities calendar (Link leads to external service) by selecting the following items: 

Type of activity > Other activities 
Area > North 
Location > Paloheinä outdoor recreation area 
Resource > Paloheinä fitness trail and ski track 

Kuva hiihtäjästä paloheinässä
Photo: Konsta Linkola

Paloheinä hiking lodge 

There are changing rooms in the hiking lodge and lockers in the lobby. 

Paloheina hiking lodge


There are toilets in the Paloheinä hiking lodge, which you can use when the lodge is open. 

Paloheina hiking lodge, location on the map(Link leads to external service)


Paloheinä fitness stairs 

The Paloheinä fitness stairs have 253 steps. The fitness stairs have lighting and can be used year-round. A digital ascent counter shows you the peak hours and slowest hours for the fitness stairs.

Paloheinä fitness stairs digital ascent counter (Link leads to external service)  

Description of the fitness stairs and location on the map (Link leads to external service)

Outdoor gym 

The Paloheinä outdoor recreation area has a large outdoor gym with a wide range of outdoor exercise equipment for all kinds of activities. David fitness equipment with weight blocks lets you adjust the weight to be just right for you. We have pull-up bars, hangers and platforms of various heights for functional training. 

Description of the outdoor gym and location on the map  (Link leads to external service)

Paloheinä sledging hill 

In winter, we offer sledging – a popular outdoor activity for families – on the well-known, large sledging hill in Paloheinä. The sledging hill stays lit until 10 pm. The sledging hill will be in use for as long as there is enough snow.

Paloheinä sledging hill on the map  (Link leads to external service)

Adventure Park Korkee in Paloheinä 

KORKEE Paloheinä is an adventure park with over 700 metres of zip lines and a 15-metre base jump. The adventure park is located right next to the Paloheinä hiking lodge.  

Climbing park Korkee’s website ( leads to external service)

Suomen Latu (Outdoor Association of Finland) equipment rental 

In winter, Suomen Latu’s equipment rental offers high-quality ski equipment, tour skates and snowshoes. The equipment rental company provides equipment for a few hours at a time for nearby trails in Paloheinä, as well as for week-long ski trips. The equipment rental company also provides ski maintenance.  

Website for Suomen Latu in Paloheinä ( (Link leads to external service)

Paloheinä Golf 

The Paloheinä outdoor recreation area includes Paloheinä Golf, a nine-hole, par 36 course. You can rent clubs and balls, get a Green Card on a beginners’ course, and book private lessons from professionals. 

Paloheinä Golf website ( (Link leads to external service)

In winter, please remember the ski trail rules: do not walk on the trails or bring dogs on the trails.  Paloheinä has a separate sled dog track(Link leads to external service) where you can bring your dog.  Dogs are also prohibited on the fitness trails in the snowless season. 

Rules and regulations for nature reserves 

The ski tracks in the Paloheinä outdoor recreation area pass through several nature reserves.  View Paloheinä’s nature reserves on the map(Link leads to external service)

Observe the following rules on Paloheinä’s nature reserves: 

  • Do not let dogs, cats or other pets roam free 
  • Do not build fires, grill or camp  
  • Do not damage plants, fungi or lichens 
  • Do not use motor vehicles 
  • Do not disturb wildlife or destroy nests  
  • Keep to the marked trails in the Haltiala primaeval forest area, Pitkäkoski groves, Vantaanjoki riverbank and Niskala arboretum (leaving the trails is prohibited). 
  • You are not allowed to cycle in the Ruutinkoski grove, Niskala arboretum, Vantaanjoki riverbank, Pitkäkoski groves or Haltiala primaeval forest area. You can only cycle on the designated trails in the Haltiala forest.  
  • You can pick edible mushrooms and berries in the Haltiala forest 

See all the conservation rules for all of Paloheinä’s nature reserves 

General rules 

In all outdoor areas, observe Everyman’s Rights and rules and move responsibly in nature: 

The accessibility information for services at Paloheinä is still incomplete. Here you will find the links to the accessibility information for services once we have mapped the data. 

Paloheinä’s services on the map

The Paloheinä outdoor recreation area has many outdoor trails, fitness trails, outdoor fitness equipment, fitness stairs, a golf course, a café, meeting and club facilities and saunas. In winter, the outdoor recreation area has a network of cross-country ski trails and a sledging hill.
Printable Paloheinä guide map (pdf, inacsessible)(Link leads to external service)

Paloheinä - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

Photos of Paloheinä

Ilmakuva Paloheinän ulkoilualueesta.
Photo: Jani Karlsson
Kolme henkilöä Paloheinän ulkoilualueen rinteessä, yksi kaataa toiselle kuumaa juomaa.
Photo: Jussi Hellsten
Henkilö hiihtämässä ylämäkeen haarakäynnillä.
Photo: Maarit Hohteri
Paloheinän ulkoilualueen ulkoilureittien siltoja ja metsää.
Photo: Mira Lainiola