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What does the Lammassaari birdwatching platform offer?
Observe life in the coastal meadow from the birdwatching platform and get to know the birds in the area with the help of the information boards. The accessible birdwatching platform is equipped with a ramp.
Observe the fishing birds of the Loppi island
The Lammassaari birdwatching platform and birdwatching tower offer a view of more than 90 degrees towards the north towards the pasture meadow and shallow sea bay. The small Loppi island where dozens of cormorants and grey herons nest is on the right, to the east. In 2023, 80 pairs of cormorants and 50 pairs of grey herons were observed on the island of Loppi. The white-tailed eagle nested on the island in 2020 and continues to visit the area on a regular basis. White-tailed eagles use the area for catching, particularly from the melting of the ice until May. In the autumn, they fish until the sea freezes.
Observe the pasture and shoreline slurries with binoculars
Yellow wagtails and meadow pipits sit and sing on fence posts in the pasture. Stock doves and starlings feed in the meadow. From the end of April to September–October, there are many kinds of waders on the shoreline slurries. If you want to see the small ruff, spotted redshank or dunlin, bring a telescope with you. Goldfinches and greenfinches sing on Lammassaari, and in the evenings, the nightingales start their loud concert. The Finncattle cows and sheep of a private farmer graze in the meadow, performing the nature management duties allocated to them in the grazing agreement. You can see the animals grazing from May to September.
Arrival at the southern platform of Lammassaari
You can reach the Lammassaari birdwatching platform, birdwatching tower and hide from the Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids or along the Matinkaari bridge. Bus stops are at Viikintie 1 and Hämeentie 159. A parking space for cars is at the junction of the Jokisuuntie and Katariina Saksilaisen katu roads (Katariina Saksilaisen katu 11 and Jokisuuntie 13). There is an accessible dry toilet next to the parking lot.
The plank trail to Lammassaari starts at the southern part of Pornaistenniemi, and the route is marked. The distance between Pornaistenniemi and the Lammassaari birdwatching platform is about one kilometre, and the route is accessible.