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What does the Pornaistenniemi hide offer?
Walk along the narrow duckboards to the hide among the reeds and admire the birdwatching wetland.
Relax while observing nature
In the hide, you can feel genuinely hidden and focus on observing the bird waters of Vanhankaupunginlahti. The most common species in the water basin in front of the hide include the goldeneye, the coot, the gadwall, the wigeon and the mallard. The basin offers a lot of insects, such as mosquitoes and dragonflies. Arctic tern, gulls and swallows often catch insects over the water surface. Small frogbit and even smaller common duckweed grow next to the doorway of the hide. The very toxic cowbane grows in a wet spot next to the doorway.
Focus on listening
In the hide, you can hear a variety of singing birds that inhabit the reeds, including the screeching sound of the water rail or the mechanic-sounding singing of the Savi’s warbler. The great reed warbler and the reed warbler also live among the wet, sturdy reeds, where their singing can be heard. The pulsing song of the bearded tit can be heard from the reeds often. In addition to birds, at the end of April you can also hear the spawning sound of a moor frog.
Arrival at the Pornaistenniemi hide
You can reach the Pornaistenniemi hide from the Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids or along the Matinkaari bridge. Bus stops are at Viikintie 1 and Hämeentie 159. A parking space for cars is at the junction of the Jokisuuntie and Katariina Saksilaisen katu roads (Katariina Saksilaisen katu 11 and Jokisuuntie 13). There is an accessible dry toilet next to the parking lot.
Access to the Pornaistenniemi hide is along the 70-metre marked duckboards route in front of the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower. The duckboards are not accessible. When the sea water is high, it is advisable to wear rubber boots. During periods of very high water, the duckboards cannot be used at all.