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What does Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower offer?
Climb the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower and look out over the bird waters of Vanhankaupunginlahti.
Admire the reed landscape
From the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower, you may see a western marsh harrier flying over the reed bay or a pair of whooper swans nesting in the water basin. With binoculars, you can also see Lammassaari pasture meadow, which often has large swarms of teals, ruffs and lapwings. The area attracts lots of grey herons and often even great egrets.
The other direction from the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower is also worthy of watching, as there is a herb-rich forest behind the tower, home to icterine warblers, blackcaps and nightingales. In winter, you can find the white-backed woodpecker in the herb-rich forest. Just behind the tower is an overgrown waterway that used to be the drainage ditch of the Viikki water treatment plant. There are large floating populations of reed sweetgrass in the ditch.
Arrival at the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower
You can arrive at the Pornaistenniemi birdwatching tower from the Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids or along the Matinkaari bridge. Bus stops are at Viikintie 1 and Hämeentie 159. A parking space for cars is at the junction of the Jokisuuntie and Katariina Saksilaisen katu roads (Katariina Saksilaisen katu 11 and Jokisuuntie 13). There is an accessible dry toilet next to the parking lot.