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Observe nature to see birds and mammals
The unfrozen sections of the Säynäslahdenpuro creek in front of the tower attract grey herons in early spring. Even the Eurasian bittern can sometimes be seen near the flowing water. Forest deer are often seen in the reeds in front of the tower. The wild boar that settled in Viikki in the autumn of 2021 has also found feeding grounds in the area.
Keinumäki birdwatching tower is a good observation point
BirdLife Finland organises a playful competition every year, where the aim is to sight as many bird species as possible from bird towers. In the spring of 2023, the Keinumäki birdwatching tower was ranked third in the competition for the whole of Finland. The team that competed the tower observed 102 bird species over a period of eight hours.
Next to the birdwatching tower, there is a winter bird feeding place, which is frequented by a wide variety of bird species. Here you can spot a coal tit, a grey-faced woodpecker, a yellowhammer, a finch or a brambling. If necessary, the lower floor of the tower provides protection from rain.
Arrival at the Keinumäki birdwatching tower
The nearest bus stops and express tram stop (Koetilantie stop, Viikintie 49) are located along Viikintie. Walk to the Keinumäki birdwatching tower along Hakalantie and Hakalanniementie. You can also arrive by the hiking trail next to the wetlands of Säynäslahdenpuro (Viikintie 40). A parking space can be found at Koetilantie 1.