Avian influenza vaccinations

The vaccine is provided to persons aged 18 or over who are at increased risk of being infected with avian influenza because of their work or other circumstances.

Helsinki offers the vaccine free of charge for eligible groups according to the guidelines set by THL. If you are eligible for the vaccine, you can receive your vaccination by making an appointment with your health station.

You can find up-to-date information on the avian influenza vaccine on THL's website.

Service points

23 service points
Haagan terveysasema

Haaga Health Station

Address: Huovitie 5, 00400 Helsinki

Jakomäki Health Station

Address: Vuorensyrjä 8, 00770 Helsinki

Kalasatama Health Station

Address: Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki
Kannelmäen terveysasema

Kannelmäki Health Station

Address: Kaustisenpolku 6a, 00420 Helsinki

Kivelä Health Station

Address: Sibeliuksenkatu 14, 00260 Helsinki

Kivikko Health Station

Address: Kivikonkaari 21, 00940 Helsinki

Kontula Health Station

Address: Ostoskuja 3, 00940 Helsinki

Laajasalo Health Station

Address: Koulutanhua 2 A, 00840 Helsinki