Mpox vaccine (previously monkeypox vaccine)

The mpox vaccine is offered to men aged 18 and over who are at the greatest risk of contracting mpox.

The vaccine is offered to all men who have sex with men and have had multiple casual sexual partners during the previous 6 months.

In addition, the vaccine is recommended for men who take PrEP medication to prevent getting HIV and have sex with men and for men who are queueing for PrEP treatment and have sex with men.

The vaccine may also be administered to individuals travelling to areas in Africa affected by the mpox epidemic if they are at a heightened risk of exposure and other protective measures are inadequate. This is particularly relevant for those who, due to their work or other circumstances, engage in prolonged or repeated physical contact with the local population. Examples include high-risk humanitarian work, such as health care roles, or visiting local villages.

Vaccination may be necessary for these individuals if travelling to any of the following countries: Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, or Uganda. You can check the up-to-date list of countries on THL's website.

The mpox vaccine is available by appointment at all health stations. Book an appointment at, through the Maisa app or by calling a health station.

To get vaccinated, you must prove your identity, for example, with an ID card or Kela card. Vaccination is free of charge. We vaccinate in accordance with the recommendations of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

Service points

23 service points

Haagan terveysasema

Haaga Health Station

Address: Huovitie 5, 00400 Helsinki

Jakomäki Health Station

Address: Vuorensyrjä 8, 00770 Helsinki

Kalasatama Health Station

Address: Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki
Kannelmäen terveysasema.

Kannelmäki Health Station

Address: Kaustisenpolku 6a, 00420 Helsinki

Kivelä Health Station

Address: Sibeliuksenkatu 14, 00260 Helsinki

Kivikko Health Station

Address: Kivikonkaari 21, 00940 Helsinki

Kontula Health Station

Address: Ostoskuja 3, 00940 Helsinki

Laajasalo Health Station

Address: Koulutanhua 2 A, 00840 Helsinki

Lauttasaari Health Station

Address: Taivaanvuohentie 6, 00200 Helsinki

Malmi Health Station

Address: Talvelantie 4, 00700 Helsinki

Malminkartano Health Station

Address: Luutnantintie 12-14, 00410 Helsinki

Maunula Health Station

Address: Suursuonlaita 3 A, 00630 Helsinki

Munkkiniemi Health Station

Address: Laajalahdentie 30, 00330 Helsinki

Myllypuro Health Station

Address: Jauhokuja 4, 00920 Helsinki

Oulunkylä Health Station

Address: Kylänvanhimmantie 25, 00640 Helsinki