24-hour family rehabilitation

Family rehabilitation is intended for family customers of child welfare in Helsinki who need 24-hour guidance and support.

Before 24-hour family rehabilitation, the social worker responsible for the child's affairs finds the need for support and rehabilitation. The family may have challenges in parenting, everyday capabilities or life management. The starting point for rehabilitation is the family's worries and difficulties, as well the family's strengths and functional requirements. Intense change that affects parenthood and family interaction is central to this type of cooperation.

We create a unique rehabilitation plan for each family. We monitor the progress and effects of the rehabilitation in cooperation with the social worker responsible for family and child matters. 

Objectives of family rehabilitation

The goal of family rehabilitation is to improve the child-parent interaction, to guide parents in child care and upbringing, and to strengthen parenthood, the whole family's life management and well-being for a better everyday life for the family.  

What kind of employees do we have?

In 24-hour family rehabilitation, the family receives the support of a multidisciplinary team. The family will be assigned workers responsible for them during the rehabilitation period. In addition to the social worker responsible for family and child matters, with the involvement of other partners, if necessary.  

What kind of facilities do we have?

We have seven family apartments at our disposal in Oulunkylä at Perhepirtti. Three of them are one-room apartments, another three are two-room apartments and one is a three-room apartment. The family moves to a furnished family rehabilitation apartment for the duration of family rehabilitation (2–3 months).  

The common areas have a kitchen and a dining area, as well as a living room. In addition, families have access to a playroom and a utility room. The gym and occupational therapy room in the house are available to use with the social worker on reservation.  

The two saunas in the house are available to families at a separately agreed schedule.  

The institutional kitchen of the Oulunkylä Family Rehabilitation Centre produces some of the meals for family rehabilitation.  

Service point

Oulunkylä Family Rehabilitation Centre

Address: Harjantekijäntie 2, 00640 Helsinki