Meeting place services

Supervised and supported meetings and exchanges are organised on the basis of an agreement confirmed by the child welfare supervisor or a court decision.

A child and parent living separately can meet each other at the meeting places arranged by the City of Helsinki through competitive tendering. At the meeting places, it is possible to organise supervised and supported meetings and supervised exchanges for children in Helsinki, if support or supervision is necessary for the best interests of the child.

Supervised and supported meetings and exchanges are arranged on the basis of an agreement confirmed by the child welfare supervisor or a court decision, and they are free of charge for the families.

The arrangement of meetings begins with the parents submitting to the Family Law Services Unit a decision concerning the meetings or an agreement confirmed outside Helsinki. After that, the unit makes a decision on the procurement of the service, and the decision is sent to both parents. The decision includes the contact information for the meeting place. The parents then book an introductory visit and the meeting times directly from the meeting place.

This is how you can contact us

For more information about starting to use the meeting place service

Call +358 9 310 28889(Link starts a phone call)

You can send secure email at leads to external service)

or send a secure email to opens default mail program)

You can submit a court decision or an agreement other than one confirmed by the Helsinki Child Welfare Supervisor to the Family Law Unit by secure email to opens default mail program)
You can send secure email at leads to external service)

Documents can be sent by post to the following address: 

Perheoikeudelliset asiat/Tapaamispaikkapalvelu 
PO Box 8620 
00099 City of Helsinki 

Please also provide your phone number and email address. If possible, please also provide the other parent’s contact information. 

You can also find this page at .