During adoption counselling, we will assess your and your spouse's readiness to become adoptive parents.
Adoption counselling is free of charge. As a Helsinki, Kerava or Vantaa resident contemplating adoption, you will receive counselling and support in matters concerning domestic, international and intrafamily adoption.
You can register for adoption counselling by contacting an adoption counselling social worker. The worker will provide you with important information about the adoption process and a registration form for adoption counselling.
Our professionals can also help you if you are considering giving your child up for adoption.
You will also receive support from the City of Helsinki's adoption team after the adoption.
If you have been adopted through the City of Helsinki, you are entitled to receive post-adoption services through us.
Our adoption team will also support you if your family has an adoptive background and needs special support in family social work.
If a client relationship with family social work has been recommended for your family in the service needs assessment, we will refer your family to our adoption team for special support.
Contact information for adoption counselling:
Aulikki Haimi-Kaikkonen: +358 9 3104 3006, aulikki.haimi-kaikkonen@hel.fi
Maria Jensen: +358 9 3104 3179, maria.jensen@hel.fi
Saara Leinonen: +358 9 3104 3657, saara.leinonen@hel.fi
Maria Sandbäck : +358 9 31043406, maria.sandback@hel.fi
Sanna Schultz-Karlsson: +358 9 310 44 166, sanna.schultz-karlsson@hel.fi