On this website, you can find our services relating to adoption. You can contact adoption counselling if you have any questions related to adoption.

If you are looking to adopt a child alone or with your spouse, the first step is to seek adoption counselling. During adoption counselling, we will determine your and your spouse’s readiness for adoptive parenthood.
See the contact information for adoption counselling
Our services
Adoption begins with adoption counselling. Its purpose is to protect the best interests of the child and to help and support all the parties involved in the adoption, not only the child but also the birth parents and the adoption applicants.
If you are considering giving your child up for adoption, you can come and discuss the matter with a social worker already during your pregnancy.
Here you can find information about domestic, international and intrafamily adoption.
You can receive support from us if you are thinking about your roots, background or identity or planning a trip to your birth parents’ home region.
We monitor the success of the placement of every child adopted from abroad. If necessary, an employee from our adoption team will also carry out family work to support your child’s and family’s adaptation to the new life situation.