Foster parenting can be the beginning of a shared life-long journey. As a foster parent, you do not need any special skills, just the willingness and ability to lead a child-oriented life. “Everyday life that is wonderfully ordinary”, was a young person’s comment about living with a foster family.
A foster family can be a single person, a couple or a family with several members, all of whom welcome the placed child as an equal member of the family.
A foster parent does not need to be an experienced educator. In our opinion, good parenting means affection for the child, well-working routines, listening and providing a safe growth environment. It is enough that you care, even on bad days.
We will find a suitable foster family for each child. The child will grow as a member of the foster family and at the same time maintain a connection with their birth family.
A foster family can also live elsewhere than in Helsinki, as long as they live within 150 kilometres of Helsinki. The children to be placed are Helsinki residents.
As a foster parent, you will be supported by our multi-professional team. We have a lot of know-how and extensive experience in the hopes and needs of placed children and foster parents.