- Family centres
Maternity and child health clinics
Appointment booking and counselling at maternity and child health clinics
- Haaga Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Itäkatu Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Jakomäki Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Kallio Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Kamppi Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Laajasalo Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Lauttasaari Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Malmi Centralised Maternity and Child Health Clinic Service
- Malmi Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Malminkartano Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Maunula Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Munkkiniemi Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Oulunkylä Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Paloheinä Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Pihlajamäki Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Pitäjänmäki Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Postpartum Assessment Unit, Ruoholahti
- Puistola Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Ruoholahti Centralised Maternity and Child Health Clinic Service
- Suutarila Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- Vuosaari Maternity and Child Health Clinic
- During pregnancy
- For families with babies
- For 1–6-year-olds and their families
Appointment booking and counselling at maternity and child health clinics
Support for children, young people and families
- Early Support Social Services
Service needs assessment and support for families with children
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Itäkatu
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Kallio
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Lassila
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Malmi
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Maunula
- Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Vuosaari
- Special support for customers of family social work
- Support for children’s development
- Domestic violence
- Separation in a family with children
Child welfare services
- What is child welfare?
- Child welfare notification
Being a child welfare client
- Enhanced family work
- Child welfare social work
- Enhanced family work for young people
- Family work to support school attendance
- 24-hour family rehabilitation
- Open family rehabilitation
- Child welfare services' family group conference
- Toivo services
- Multidimensional Family Therapy
- Short-term placement of children outside the home
- Taking a child into custody
- Aftercare in child welfare
- I want to help a child who is a child welfare client
- Family law services
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
If you are separating from your partner, you can look for answers to frequently asked questions about custody, living arrangements, visitation rights and maintenance support here.