Enhanced family work for young people

Enhanced family work for young persons helps young people with behavioural symptoms aged 10-17 and their families. The service is intended for customers of child welfare.

The purpose of enhanced family work for young people is to help young people with behavioural symptoms aged 10-17 and their families. The need for the service arises from the challenges of the young person in the family. A child welfare social worker applies for the service in a situation where there is a need to secure the growth and development of a child or young person, strengthen family interaction, and support the parent in their role as a parent.

The family receives the support of two social counsellors who work with the family. We engage all family members in different settings. Meetings can be held with just the young person, the whole family, or just the parents.

Enhanced family work for young people usually lasts 8-12 months, and its goals are evaluated every three months. We create the goals of the work with the child welfare social worker, the young person and the family.
Regular meetings are held weekly during the service, and they are usually held at the young person's home or in the immediate vicinity.

Enhanced family work for young people supports young people in their service networks, and may include, for example, the Youth Station, school, Ankkuri and youth psychiatry services at HUS. In addition, we observe and discuss everyday matters with them. We make records of visits in the customer information system in with the family.

What situations is enhanced family work for young people intended for?  

This service is intended for:

  • Early adolescents aged 10-12 years with deviant, defiant, antagonistic and hostile behaviour. Targets of the behaviour may be peers or adults. They may resist authority, bully or fight others, or have rage attacks. Behaviour can also be violent in other ways. The young person might lie, steal, break goods or disregard the rules and laws of society and the rights of others.  
  • For young people aged 12-17 who face challenges in many areas of their lives. They may have mental health problems, difficulties at school, neuropsychiatric conditions or substance abuse, as well as face the risk of social exclusion. Violence, bullying, or fighting may also be a part of their behaviour.  
  • For young people whose families face various challenges, such as mental health and substance abuse problems, parenting challenges and difficulties in resolving situations.  

Service point