Family work to support school attendance

Family work to support school attendance is for young people who are customers of family social work or child welfare, and are significantly absent from school.

We support the young person at school and their whole family at home to make their schooling a reality. Family work to support school attendance is intended for pupils in grades 7-9 with a high level of truancy, a total interruption of schooling or a complete drop-out from primary school, as well as their families.

In order to be eligible for this form of support, the young person must have be a customer of family social work or child welfare.

Applications for family work to support school attendance require a referral from the school and family social work. The school will prepare a report on the pupil's absences and the support measures already offered, such as shorter school days and adapted teaching to the pupil's needs.

A family social worker prepares a referral for family work. Based on the school report and referral, a decision is made on student choices and family work to support school attendance.

Teaching that supports school attendance (so-called OTE teaching) is held in five different districts of the city. The student group consists of eight pupils, a special education teacher and a child welfare OTE instructor. The student remains a student at their own school throughout the OTE process.

How long does family work to support school attendance last?

Family work to support school attendance usually lasts for a year. Family work to support school attendance is a measure for when the school's other support measures have been tried and found insufficient. School attendance can be supported by means of family work before OTE teaching, for example, in family work, enhanced family work or enhanced family work for young people.  

Family work that started before OTE work can continue alongside family work to support school attendance.  

The family must commit to accepting the work of the counsellor with the young person both at school and in other active environments of the young person. The process includes a weekly meeting with the young person and their family. Work is planned together with the family.  

OTE teaching at school  

OTE teaching for family work to support school attendance takes place in cooperation with basic education, child welfare and family social work. This process involves the social counsellor supporting the young person's school attendance as a partner of the OTE teacher. The social counsellor supports the young person's commute to school and talks to the young person, helps them in interaction situations or supports the young person in other personal challenges.  

The aim is for the pupil to be able to return to their own school to study during the OTE teaching  with their own class in some subjects. Pupils have individually adapted study plans during OTE teaching.  

Service point