Open family rehabilitation

In open family rehabilitation, we strengthen family interaction, parenthood and functional everyday life.

Open family rehabilitation is intended for open care family customers of child welfare and is based on an assessment of the need for services made by a social worker.

The goal of rehabilitation is to strengthen the interactive relationships within the family, parenthood and functional everyday life. The starting point of open family rehabilitation is the best interests of the child.

Our target group are children from Helsinki aged 0-17 who are in need of child welfare, and their families.

A requirement for enrolment is being a customer of child welfare.

Family rehabilitation is based on a customer plan created together by the family and the social worker. The objectives of rehabilitation are agreed together with the family, social counsellors and the social worker.

Open family rehabilitation is carried out at home and in the children's natural active environment. Our customers are children with neuropsychiatric symptoms and their families, as well as families with a baby who need support for early interaction.

Joint meetings take place at least twice a week and may involve the whole family, a child or children, or a parent or both parents, as agreed. Open family rehabilitation lasts an average of six months.

The pair of social counsellors are responsible for the implementation and progress of the rehabilitation process. If necessary, they may be accompanied by a nurse, an occupational therapist, a psychologist and/or a family therapist. We also carry out rehabilitation as agreed with the family's networks.

This service is free of charge.

What is the process for open family rehabilitation?  

An open care social worker prepares a service referral to family rehabilitation for your family.  

In the initial meeting, we agree on the objectives of the family rehabilitation period, which becomes the basis for our plan and work together.  

We will hold an intermediate meeting, which will include the social worker responsible for the child's affairs. In this meeting, we review the progress of rehabilitation with your family and review the goals.  

Towards the end of the process, we will assess what kind of support measures your family may need in the future.  

In the final negotiation, the social worker and our counsellor pair evaluate, with your family, the process of the work the achievement of goals.  

Finally, we prepare a summary of the work.  

What does open family rehabilitation include?  

We carry out open family rehabilitation in pairs. When working with the child individually, we take the child's age into account and try to draw out the child's own experiences and thoughts about their own and the family's situation. At the same time, we reinforce the child's experience of being engaged and heard.  

In parenting work, the key is to hear the parent's view of the family's situation. Our goal is to strengthen the interactive relationships within the family, parenthood and functional everyday life.  

An important part of family rehabilitation is cooperation with other family networks, including early childhood education, school, and child and adolescent psychiatry.  

We maintain cooperation by working with early childhood education and school, and participating in joint networking meetings.  

Service point

Open Family Rehabilitation Facility

Address: Retkeilijänkatu 4, 00980 Helsinki