We provide counselling on issues related to the well-being and health of families with children. You can also book appointments for our maternity and child health clinic services.
Use the online service
You can also book or cancel an appointment or send a message to a nurse in Maisa.
Ask in the chat
Chatt (Sotebotti Hester)
You can contact us via our chatbot Hester, which you can find in the bottom right corner of our website. The chatbot is a robot that serves you 24/7. If necessary, the chatbot also gives you access to an expert via a live chat discussion. Our professionals are available at the live chat Mon-Fri at 8.00-14.00.
Call us
The centralised maternity and child health clinic telephone service
The telephone service is open 8.00-14.00. The call-back service is available 8.00-16.00. Please leave only one call-back request. We will call you as soon as possible.