Support after adoption

Post-adoption services provide support in various situations after adoption.

Post-adoption services are intended for children adopted through the City of Helsinki and their guardians, adult adoptees and their descendants, and those who have given their children up for adoption.

Post-adoption services are free of charge in Finland.

You can seek post-adoption services if you are thinking about your roots, background and identity or planning a trip to your country of birth.

In post-adoption services, we can also view your personal adoption information in the archive together.

Post-adoption services social workers can be contacted at the office, through Teams or by telephone.

Domestic adoptees can contact our social workers with questions regarding post-adoption services:

Aulikki Haimi-Kaikkonen, tel. +358 9 3104 3006

Maria Jensen, tel. +358 9 3104 3179

Saara Leinonen, tel. +358 9 3104 3657

Sanna Schultz-Karlsson, tel. +358 9 310 44 166

Those seeking post-adoption services for international adoption can contact:

Saara Leinonen, tel. +358 9 3104 3657