What is violence in close relationships?
Violence in close relationships refers to violence committed and experienced by persons who are in a close relationship with one another. This type of violence can be directed at a partner, a child or a close relative. The violence may be physical, psychological, financial or sexual. Violence in close relationships can affect anyone, regardless of social class, culture, age or gender. Its consequences are long-lasting and serious.
Fortunately, help is available for both those who have experienced violence in close relationships and those who have committed it. Assistance is provided by, for example, the City of Helsinki, organisations and the police. The assistance can be personal or peer support in groups, for example. There is help for everyone.
Do you recognise violence against yourself?
It could be violence if...
- you cannot be yourself at home
- someone makes you feel worthless
- you are scared at home, at school or with friends
- you are not taken care of
- your bodily integrity has been violated.
Support and help is available.
Do you recognise violence caused by you in close relationships?
Support and help is available if...
- you scream, rage or break things
- you belittle, threaten or blackmail a loved one
- you control the activities, spending or relationships of a loved one
- you are physically violent towards a loved one
- you perform sexual acts against the will of the other person.
What services and help are available?
When you use the city’s social and health services, you can always also talk to a professional about issues related to violence. Below is a list of the assistance providers of the City of Helsinki and its partners.
Services provided by the City
If you have experienced violence and would like to talk to someone, please contact
- your school public health nurse
- your student health care nurse
- your health station
- social guidance (if you are 11–16-year-old)
- social services for young people (if you are 16–29-year-old)
You can find information on violence in close relationships collected on the Youth Helsinki website(Link leads to external service).
Service needs assessment and support for families with children
The assessment of service needs and support for families with children is intended for children and families whose life situation is strained or who are in need of support. The need for services is assessed in order to provide suitable assistance for the child or family.
Service needs assessment and support for families with children
Child Welfare
You can always contact child welfare, also anonymously, if you are concerned about your child’s welfare or that of any other child living nearby.
How and when to contact Child Welfare
Maternity and child health clinic
Child health clinics aim to secure the child’s health and support the parents so that the child can have good conditions for healthy growth, development and well-being.
Maternity and child health clinics
Family Counselling Office
The Family Counselling Office will provide help in matters regarding the development and upbringing of children and young people, troubling family issues or in a crisis a child or family might be facing.
School social worker and psychologist services in student welfare
Student welfare professionals, namely welfare officers and psychologists, can help with different kinds of problems and difficulties. The contact details of the welfare officers and psychologists of student welfare are available on the schools’ and educational institutions’ websites, as well as on Wilma and Aula.
School social worker and psychologist services in student welfare
Social services
You can get help with all kinds of challenging life situations.
Adult social work for young adults
Social counselling
Social counselling allows you to discuss your life situation with a professional, even anonymously. You are also given advice on applying for benefits.
The social services for immigrants helpline is available on weekdays tel. 09 310 37577(Link starts a phone call). The City of Helsinki Immigration Unit is located in Kalasatama, at Työpajankatu 14 A.
Health care services
Your primary treatment place in health care matters is your local health station.
Social services
You can get help with all kinds of challenging life situations.
You can get professional help also without an appointment. Social counselling is available on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 at 09 310 44400 (Link starts a phone call)(Link starts a phone call).
The social services for immigrants helpline is available on weekdays tel. 09 310 37577 (Link starts a phone call)(Link starts a phone call). The City of Helsinki Immigration Unit is located in Kalasatama, at Työpajankatu 14 A.
Health care services
Your primary treatment place in health care matters is your local health station.
Are you concerned about the well-being of a loved one or someone you have come across? If you have worries regarding their health, safety or overall well-being, you have the option to submit a notification of concern. The notification can be submitted with your name or anonymously.
Services provided by organisations and other operators
Nollalinja is a nationwide, anonymous and free helpline for people who have experienced violence in close relationships or violence against women, as well as their families and professionals. You can call the service anonymously: you do not need to give your own name and the person answering the phone does not see the caller's number. The call also does not show up on your phone bill. The Nollalinja helpline is open 24/7 every day of the year on +358 80 005 005(Link starts a phone call). The Nollalinja chat service is available on weekdays. Interpreters are available around the clock.
Nollalinja(Link leads to external service)
Naisten linja – Women's Line
The Women’s Line provides free and confidential support to women and girls who have experienced violence, as well as their loved ones. Through our helpline 0800 02400(Link starts a phone call) and chat service, you can speak anonymously with trained volunteers.
By appointment, you can receive support from professionals specialising in violence-related work, either remotely or in person. Support can range from a single session to long-term work lasting over a year. We also offer peer support through online groups and in-person meetings in Helsinki, as well as specialised assistance for those who have experienced digital violence.
Women's Line(Link leads to external service)
Crisis Center Monika
Crisis Center Monika provides support and assistance to women and children with immigrant backgrounds who have experienced violence in a close relationship. You can call +358 800 05058(Link starts a phone call), visit the centre or contact the centre online from Monday to Friday. Service in multiple languages.
Crisis Center Monika(Link leads to external service)
Miessakit Association’s Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet
The Väkivaltaa kokeneet miehet project provides assistance to men who have experienced mental or physical violence at home or on the street. Discussion support is available by phone and email, and through one-to-one meetings and guided peer group meetings. Service in Finnish and English.
Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Raiskauskriisikeskus Tukinainen
Raiskauskriisikeskus Tukinainen provides support, assistance and counselling to victims of sexual offences, their loved ones and those working with the victims.
Raiskauskriisikeskus Tukinainen(Link leads to external service)
Victim Support Finland
Victim Support Finland can provide support and counselling for victims of crime, their loved ones and witnesses in criminal cases. There are also support persons available free of charge. You can also contact them anonymously.
Victim Support Finland(Link leads to external service)
Seri Support Center
The Seri Support Center at Women's Hospital is a support unit for people over 16 years of age, regardless of gender, who have experienced sexual violence. It is a low-threshold service that you can seek out yourself, with relatives or under the guidance of a public authority within one month of your traumatic experience.
Seri Support Center(Link leads to external service)
SafetyNet Helsinki
SafetyNet Helsinki is a low-threshold service operating in the Helsinki metropolitan area for adults and/or children who have experienced violence or the threat of violence in a close relationship. SafetyNet Helsinki provides professional support and information towards coping with experiences of violence. The service is free of charge for the customer and the guiding municipality. Those in need of help can contact SafetyNet Helsinki directly.
SafetyNet Helsinki (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Sopu work for the prevention of honour-related violence / Loisto setlementti ry
We engage in preventive and crisis work on honour-related violence and support those in need of long-term support. We work primarily with those who have experienced violence, but also with the perpetrators and other family members if necessary. The service is provided in Finnish and Swedish and in several other languages.
Sophie Mannerheim’s Shelter
Sophie Mannerheim's Shelter is a 24/7, homelike place maintained by the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Helsinki, where a person who has experienced violence or the threat of violence can receive protection and help to end the violence.
Sophie Mannerheim’s Shelter (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Shelters Hertta, Tilkka and Pellas
Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry’s shelters Hertta, Tilkka and Pellas offer immediate crisis support, 24-hour shelter services and psychosocial support, counselling and guidance in emergencies, regardless of gender or age. At the shelters, a person who has experienced violence can talk one-to-one with a worker specialised in violence work. Support for the post-shelter phase is available at the Kilpola Housing Unit’s supported housing service.
Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry(Link leads to external service)
Shelter Mona
Shelter Mona provides crisis support and safe housing in several languages in Finland’s only shelter located at a secret address and dedicated exclusively to women and children.
You can call the shelter and seek its protection from anywhere in Finland if it is dangerous for you to stay at home or in your local community because of violence. Telephone: +358 45 6396 274(Link starts a phone call) (24/7)
Service in multiple languages. Interpretation is also available.
Miessakit Association’s Lyömätön Linja
Lyömätön Linja is a service specialising in domestic violence and violence in other close relationships to help men who use physical or mental violence against their loved ones or fear that they will do so. The work takes the form of one-to-one meetings either face-to-face or by video call, supplemented by couples and group meetings where appropriate. Support is also available by telephone and online. Service in Finnish and English.
Lyömätön linja (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Lyömätön Linja Espoossa / Miehen Linja
Miehen Linja serves immigrant men who have used or fear that they might use violence in their families. Miehen Linja specialises in culturally sensitive work with men. Service in multiple languages. We can use an interpreter if necessary.
Miehen Linja(Link leads to external service)
Maria Akatemia ry / naisenvakivalta.fi
Support for women who use or fear that they might use violence, as well as for professionals who encounter different forms of violence and related phenomena in their work or work communities.
Domestic Violence Counselling Unit / Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry
Community services, namely one-to-one, couples and family meetings for victims and perpetrators of violence in close relationships, as well as their children and loved ones. Interpretation is available.
Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry(Link leads to external service)
Helsinki Parishes’ Family Counselling
Professional help with relationship problems and life crises. The service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Helsinki Parishes' Family Counselling (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Mieli Mental Health Finland’s Crisis Helpline
Mieli Mental Health Finland’s Crisis Helpline is available in English on +358 9 2525 0116(Link starts a phone call). The service is also available in other languages (check the phone numbers and opening hours on the website). You can call the Crisis Helpline anonymously and confidentially.
Mieli Mental Health Finland’s Crisis Helpline(Link leads to external service)
Online Shelter
Online Shelter is an online service maintained by the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters. Online Shelter helps all parties involved in violence by providing them with information, discussion support and stories about domestic violence and violence in close relationships and how to pull through. The website also helps children and young people who have witnessed or been victims of violence. On the website, you will find chats dedicated to the target groups of the campaign: Apua väkivaltaan chat (for perpetrators of violence) and Lasten ja nuorten chat (for children and young people).
You can come to the chats to discuss violence anonymously and with a low threshold.
Online Shelter(Link leads to external service)
Suvanto ry
Counselling, discussion support and peer support groups for older people involved in violence and abuse and their loved ones. The Suvantolinja helpline, +358 800 06776, offers service in Finnish and English.
Suvanto ry (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
VÄLITÄ! Sexual violence services
Välitä! provides crisis assistance to victims and perpetrators of sexual violence and their loved ones. Help is provided by phone, at meetings and in open group chats at the online crisis centre Tukinet. You can participate in the support groups organised by Välitä! from anywhere in Finland. The services are confidential and free of charge.
VÄLITÄ! Sexual violence services (Link leads to external service)
Red Cross Youth Shelters
Youth Shelters help young people and their communities around the clock, every day of the year. The Youth Shelters provide young people and those close to them with support for everyday life, family conflicts or other problems. Help is available quickly and free of charge. The service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Red Cross Youth Shelters(Link leads to external service)
Lasten ja nuorten puhelin ja chat (Helpline and chat for children and young people)
Lasten ja nuorten puhelin ja chat is a free, anonymous and confidential telephone and chat service to talk about anything you want. The service is intended for people under 25 years of age and is open every day of the year. The service is provided in Finnish.
Lasten ja nuorten puhelin ja chat (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Nuorten tukilinja (Youth helpline)
Nuorten tukilinja is on call in the evenings on the same number as Lasten ja nuorten puhelin (tel. 116 111) and provides professional help for young people in difficult situations. The service is provided in Finnish.
MLL Nuortennetti (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Poikien Talo (City of Helsinki)
Poikien Talo (Boys' House) is a safe, non-discriminatory, bullying-free and open community for boys, men and those thinking about their identity as a boy between the ages of 10 and 28. The purpose of Poikien Talo is to support you in a way that you feel is best for you, so that you can live your life as yourself, following your own dreams.
Poikien Talo (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Tyttöjen Talo (Loisto Setlementti)
Tyttöjen Talo (Girls’ House) is intended for anyone between the ages of 10 and 29 identifying as a girl or woman or thinking about their identity as a girl. Tyttöjen Talo offers facilities for recreation and hobbies, as well as help and support if something is troubling you or you are going through something difficult. Service in Finnish and English.
Tyttöjen Talo (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
OnksOk is an online service maintained by the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters that provides information and support for young people experiencing difficulties at home or with people close to them. The website provides information on violence in families, friendships and relationships, and parents’ separation. The website also includes a chat for children and young people, where young people can talk about their concerns and questions related to violence in close relationships or their parents’ separation with a low threshold. The website is in Finnish.