Enhanced family work, Kallio

Enhanced family work services are available at the Kallio service point, among others.

You apply for enhanced family work at our service point in Kallio through a child welfare social worker.

The purpose of enhanced family work is to support the growth and development of the child, strengthen the child-parent interaction and support the parents in acting as parents.

The goal is to explore your family's situation together and find ways to make a difference. By working together, we can discover your family's strengths and capabilities to make your everyday life easier.

Contact details:
Senior Social Counsellor, +358 41 5367734

Contact information

Toinen linja 4 G, 00530 Helsinki View location on service map
P.O. Box 7740, 00099 City of Helsinki


Toinen linja 4 G, 00530 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)