We can receive young people at the Metsälä Youth Reception Unit at all times of day. The reception unit employs counsellors, nurses and psychologists.
The Metsälä reception unit has four departments, Sirius, Polaris, Capella and Lyyra. There are spots for a total of 24 young people. Everyone has their own room.
We receive the young person safely and they receive the care they needs from our staff. In addition, we will evaluate their situation.
The young person, their family and their loved ones, as well as the employees and authorities in their network, work together during the short-term placement. Our aim is to find the most suitable form of support and help for the young person and their family.
In addition to Metsälä, Helsinki also has youth reception units unit in Kallio and Auroranmäki.
Contact details:
Tel. +358 50 310 5015
Sirius department, tel. +358 9 310 28360
Polaris department, tel. +358 9 310 42922
Capella department, tel. +358 9 310 73255
Lyyra department, tel. +358 9 310 42921
Hannele Moisio, Children's Home Director, tel. +358 9 310 43378