Hyvönen Children's Home houses children and young people of different ages. The home has a total of 38 places.
Children's Home Director Roope Tommila, tel. +358 9 310 73328 and +358 50 402 0877, email: roope.tommila@hel.fi
Office Secretary Tuula Koivula, tel. +358 9 310 52872 and +358 40 334 4279, email: tuula.koivula@hel.fi
Contact information

Learn more about the activities at Hyvönen Children’s Home
At Hyvönen Children’s Home, we treat all children as unique individuals, work to recognise every child’s personal history and respond to their particular needs.
Life at the children’s home consists of regular and structured activities, spending time together and learning new skills. The children learn practical skills, such as cleaning and managing their lives. Through balanced and functional day-to-day living, we provide children with tools and resources for the future. We work towards providing predictability and safe togetherness in all of our activities.
The homely wards provide all children with rooms of their own. We support the children living with us in engaging in hobbies and meeting friends.
Case social workers prepare client plans for each child, providing a common framework and guide for our care efforts. In addition, we prepare care and upbringing plans for each child and assess their progression monthly. Plans are prepared with the child and their parents or others close to them. Every child is also given an individual weekly programme.
Every child is assigned a personal instructor pair with the primary responsibility for ensuring that the child’s everyday life goes smoothly.
The children’s families and loved ones are essential to daily life at Hyvönen Children’s Home. We maintain regular contact with the families through meetings and telephone calls. Loved ones are welcome to visit children at the wards.
It is important for us to hear the parents’ views about matters regarding their child. We believe in cooperation and open communication with the children’s families and loved ones.
The placement aims always for the child to return home as the family’s situation improves and rehabilitation progresses.
Each ward employs instructors and a senior instructor. Both units also have a cook and a ward domestic. The units share an office secretary.
Our psychologists support work at the wards by meeting with the children and their parents and the child’s personal instructors. In addition, the psychologists are involved in preparing the care and upbringing plans and participate in meetings regarding admission, school, therapy and hospital negotiations.
The director of the children’s home is in charge of Hyvönen’s operations.
We cooperate with schools, youth employment and education services, the HUS children’s psychiatry and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic, the HUS adolescent addiction psychiatry outpatient clinic and Youth Station, for example.