The call-back service of the health station is busy
We apologise that returning calls is taking longer than usual. Please call us only once. If your situation is urgent, fill in a symptom assessment at Omaolo.

Myllypuro Health Station

Myllypuro Health Station serves residents of the districts of Itäkeskus, Myllypuro, Puotila, Vartiokylä and Östersundom.

On this page

Photo: Virpi Velin

The health station is your primary source of care for sudden and long-term health concerns, with a multidisciplinary team ready to address your needs.

Please contact your local health station if you have a health concern, experience sudden symptoms or need support for the treatment of a long-term illness.

Myllypuro Health Station employs nurses and doctors, among other professionals. Service in Swedish is also available.

Contact information

Jauhokuja 4, 00920 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map

Valid for the time being:
– Mon, Wed-Fri 8.00-16.00
– Tue
     16.00-20.00 by appointment
– Sat-Sun closed

Finnish, Swedish
P.O. Box 6210, 00099 City of Helsinki

Guidance in Swedish Mon-Thu 8-16, Fri and public holiday eves 8-15
+358 9 310 50060

How to contact us

When you contact the health station, we will assess your situation and refer you to the right professional, if necessary. There are several ways to contact health stations. Choose the channel that suits your situation. It is important that you only contact us through one channel, so that the channels do not become congested and we can serve you faster.

Urgent matters include things like if you suddenly fall ill, suffer a sudden injury, your long-term illness gets worse, or you otherwise need fast assessment and treatment, and waiting would make things worse. In emergencies, please call 112.

Urgent care on weekdays 8–16

  1. Ask Sotebot Hester or chat with a professional

    Sotebot Hester (at the bottom right-hand corner of the page) can instruct you on treatment and how to proceed, as well as provide advice on social and health care services in Helsinki. You can also chat with a professional on weekdays from 7:45 to 14:00 if you request a professional in the chat box.

  2. Assess your symptoms on Omaolo if you have a new symptom or your symptom has worsened

    You will receive instructions, and if your symptoms require it, you can send your completed form to a healthcare professional around the clock. We will respond to the most urgent communications within two hours, but no later than the next working day during the health station’s opening hours.

    Go to Omaolo(Link leads to external service)

  3. If you are unable to use the online services, you can call us

    Choose your urgent matter according to the instructions you hear on the phone. You can leave a callback request if we cannot take your call. Please only call once. We will call you back two times, which may also be in the evening or over the weekend. On Fridays and public holiday eves the phone service closes at 15:00.

    Call +358 9 310 60360(Link starts a phone call)

    Guidance in Swedish Mon-Thu 8-16, Fri and public holiday eves 8-15
    +358 9 310 50060(Link starts a phone call) .

    See more detailed instructions on how the health station telephone service works

Urgent matters in the evenings, at night and weekends

The health stations are open from 8:00 to 16:00 on weekdays. Outside of these hours, please contact us following the instructions from the link below.

Go to page Urgent and emergency care

If your symptoms and medical condition do not require same-day treatment, your case is not urgent. Please note that we treat patients at the health stations in the order of their medical priority.

  1. Renew your prescription and view your health information in MyKanta

    You can use MyKanta to request the renewal of your prescription for a medication that you take regularly if the prescription was given to you by your health station. When you renew a prescription in MyKanta, you will not need to contact the health station. Please note that it may take up to eight days for a prescription renewal request to be processed. If your renewal request is urgent, please contact your health station by phone.

    In MyKanta, you can also view your health data, such as laboratory results or appointment records.

    Go to MyKanta(Link leads to external service)

  2. Ask Sotebot Hester or chat with a professional

    Sotebot Hester (at the bottom right-hand corner of the page) can instruct you on treatment and how to proceed, as well as provide guidance on Helsinki’s social and health care services around the clock, every day. You can also chat with a professional on weekdays from 7:45 to 14:00 if you request a professional in the chat box.

  3. Assess your symptoms or health and well-being on Omaolo

    You will receive instructions, and if your symptoms require it, you can send your completed form to a healthcare professional around the clock, every day. We will respond no later than the next working day during the health centre’s opening hours.

    In addition to the symptom assessment and the general symptom survey, you will also find a health check and well-being coaching on Omaolo.

    Go to Omaolo(Link leads to external service)

  4. Choose Maisa if you want to review your current treatment or ask your team about it

    You can view your health information on Maisa. If you have non-urgent questions about your ongoing treatment, please use the Maisa service to contact your team at the health station. Professionals process communications on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00. We will reply to your message within two working days. Please note that all messages you send will be stored in your health records.

    Go to Maisa(Link leads to external service)

  5. If you are unable to use the online services, you can call us

    Choose your non-urgent matter according to the instructions you hear on the phone. You can leave a callback request if we cannot take your call. Please only call once. We will call you back two times, which may also be in the evening or over the weekend. On Fridays and public holiday eves the phone service closes at 15:00.

    Call +358 9 310 60360(Link starts a phone call)

    Guidance in Swedish Mon-Thu 8-16, Fri and public holiday eves 8-15
    +358 9 310 50060(Link starts a phone call) .

    See more detailed instructions on how the health station telephone service works

If you cannot use the digital or telephone services, you can visit us in person during our opening hours. Please be prepared to queue.

Show the route in the HSL Journey Planner(Link leads to external service)

If you are hard of hearing or unable to produce speech, you can contact the health station in one of the following ways:

  • You can renew your prescriptions and view your health records and treatment plan in the MyKanta (Link leads to external service) service.
  • For urgent and non-urgent matters, Sotebot Hester is available around the clock to answer your questions about social and health care services. You can find Hester at the bottom right-hand corner of the website. You can also chat with a professional on weekdays from 7:45 to 14:00 if you request a professional in the chat box.
  • If you have a new symptom or your symptom has worsened, complete a symptom assessment in the Omaolo(Link leads to external service) service. Omaolo will assess the urgency of your treatment based on your symptoms. You will receive instructions, and if necessary, you can send your completed form to be processed by a healthcare professional around the clock.
  • If you have non-urgent questions about your ongoing treatment, please use the Maisa(Link leads to external service) service to contact your team at the health station. Professionals process communications on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00.
  • For urgent and non-urgent matters, an interpreter is available on weekdays to assist you in calling the health station via the telephone exchange. The exchange number is +358 9 310 5015. The health station telephone service is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00–16:00, and Fridays and on eves of public holidays, 8:00–15:00.
  • If your situation is urgent, you can contact health services through the Medical Helpline text service(Link leads to external service) . Alternatively, seek emergency care.
  • In a life-threatening situation, send an SMS to the emergency response centre’s number 112.


Jauhokuja 4, 00920 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

The route to the main entrance

  • The 3 accessible parking spaces are located in a parking hall over 10 m from the entrance. The width of the parking spaces is at least 3.6 m.
  • The parking hall has a lift, which can hold a wheelchair; the door opens automatically. The floor numbers in the lift can be felt with fingers. The button for the exit floor stands out from the other buttons. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
  • The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
  • The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.

The main entrance

  • The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
  • The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly and the glass doors have contrast markings. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens automatically with a motion sensor.

In the facility

  • The customer service point is located on floor 2.
  • For moving around, there is a lift, which can hold a wheelchair; the door opens automatically. The floor numbers in the lift can be felt with fingers. The button for the exit floor stands out from the other buttons. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
  • The customer service point has directions to the different facilities.
  • The doors in the customer service point stand out clearly. The glass doors have contrast markings.
  • The waiting room of the customer service point has a queue number system and seats.
  • The customer service point has a fixed induction loop.
  • The customer service point has an accessible toilet on the same floor.

Henkilökuntamme / Vår personal / Our staff

Henkilökuntamme ammattiryhmittäin. Kielitaitoa kuvaavat lyhenteet:
Vår personal enligt yrkesgrupp. Förkortningar som beskriver språkkunskaperna:
Our staff by occupational group. Abbreviations describing language skills:

am = amhara, amhariska, Amharic
az = azeri, azerbajdzjanska, Azerbaijani
ar = arabia, arabiska, Arabic
en = englanti, engelska, English
es = espanja, spanska, Spanish
et = viro, estniska, Estonian
fa = farsi, persiska, Persian
fi = suomi, finska, Finnish
fr = ranska, franska, French
hi = hindi, hindi, Hindi
kr = kreikka, grekisk, Greek
ne = nepali, nepalesiska, Nepali
pa = punjabi, punjabi, Punjabi
ro = romani, romska, Romani
ru = venäjä, ryska, Russian
so = somali, somaliska, Somali
tr = turkki, turkiska, Turkish
ur = urdu, urdu, Urdu

Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Muhonen Mika en, fi
Ylilääkäri / Överläkare / Chief physician
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Babkin Boris en, fi, ru
Basnet Manoj en,fi,ne
Eweis Mohamed ar,en, fi
Galvetz Fuentes Juan en, es, fi
Karkulahti Rafaela en, fi, sv
Koirala Mamta en, fi, hi, ne
Lehto Anna fi,ru
Mitrukova Marina fi,ru
Mohamed Abdulahi en,fi,so
Mohamed Mahad en,fi,so
Paananen Anna fi, ru
Puscasu Monica en, fi, fr, ro
Rikkinen Nina fi, ru
Samblik Garcia Maria en, es, fi
Sarrac Ahmet en, fi, tr
Silander Maarit en,fi
Sohrabi Alex az, en, fa, fi, tr
Vasileva Ekaterina en, fi, ru
Wickholm Niko en, fi, sv
Terveyskeskuslääkärit / Hälsocentralläkare / Health centre physicians

Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Kosola Katja (oh) en, fi
Haavisto Annumaria (aoh) en, fi
Osastonhoitajat / Avdelningsskötare / Head nurses
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Aalto Henna en, fi
Bedasso Mahlet am, en, fi
Haavisto Annumaria en, fi
Juusela Milla en, fi
Jälkö Ulla en, fi
Kivistö Mari en, fi
Korpi-Kokko Nina en, fi
Leppänen Tiina en, fi
Mattila Anne en,fi
Takala Tellervo fi
Tuppuri Tiia en,fi
Turunen Elina en,fi
Terveydenhoitajat / Hälsovårdare / Public health nurses
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Abdiweli Sumaya en,fi,so
Ahmed Kowsar fi,en,so
Davis Eva en,fi
Farah Rooda en,fi,so,sv
Francis Anna en,fi,ru
Halme Johanna en, fi
Kistol Elena fi, ru
Kolehmainen Eija en, fi
Laitinen Kirsi en, fi
Maasalo Heikki en,fi,sv
Niinimäki Johanna en, fi
Nikiforova Marina et, fi, ru
Oruman Mari-Liis en,et,fi
Rigatou Elisavet en, fi, kr
Roos Anett en,et,fi
Routo Teresa en,fi
Sotkasiira Jannica en,fi
Spanow Irmeli en,fi
Tuominen Anne fi
Zaletova Natalia fi, ru
Sairaanhoitajat / Sjukskötare / Nurses
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Murtonen Marjut en, fi
Perushoitaja / Primärskötare / Practical nurse
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Haltunen Marika et,fi,ru
Hauksson Sofia fi, ru
Krakau Heli fi
Nurmi-Wainio Saila en, fi
Lähihoitajat  / Närvårdare / Practical nurses

Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Saarinen Janni en, fi
Santonen Niina en, fi
Farmaseutit / Farmaceuter / Pharmacists
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Murtoniemi Anu, to–pe fi
Kaikkonen Tuomas ma–ke en, fi
Fysioterapeutit / Fysioterapeuter / Physiotherapists
Nimi / Namn / Name Kielitaito / Språkkunskap / Language skills
Rouvinen Marjut en, fi
Sihteerit / Sekreterare / Secretaries