Speech therapy for children

A speech therapist examines and rehabilitates children and young people with speech, language and communication challenges.

The objective of speech therapy is to strengthen the development of speech, language and communication of children and young people and prevent learning difficulties. Challenges in speech and language development may manifest as difficulties in producing or understanding speech.

Speech therapists assess and support the child's linguistic development through various tests and exercises, including home exercises.

An appointment with a speech therapist lasts for about 45 minutes. The child or young person attends the speech therapy appointment alone or with the parents. Remote appointments and group meetings are also possible. If needed, we can arrange an interpreter for the appointment.

The number and content of the appointments are set according to the child or young person's needs. We can refer the child to further examinations and cooperate with their kindergarten or school, for example.

Children and young people are usually referred to speech therapy by a maternity clinic nurse, school nurse or doctor. If you are concerned about your child's speech and language development, discuss the matter at the maternity and child health clinic or contact school health care.

Speech therapy is intended for young people under the age of 16.

You need a referral to access the service. The service is free of charge.

Service points

Speech therapy for children at the Itäkatu Family Centre

Address: Itäkatu 11, käyntiosoite: Tallinnanaukio 1, 00930 Helsinki

Speech therapy for children at the Kallio Family Centre

Address: Toinen linja 4 C, 00530 Helsinki

Speech therapy for children at the Kamppi Family Centre

Address: Malminkatu 3 F, 00100 Helsinki

Speech therapy for children at the Laajasalo Health Station

Address: Koulutanhua 2 A, 00840 Helsinki

Speech therapy for children at the Oulunkylä Health Station

Address: Kylänvanhimmantie 25, 00640 Helsinki
Suutarilan terveysasema

Speech therapy for children at the Suutarila Health Station

Address: Suutarilantie 32, 00740 Helsinki
Vuosaaren terveys- ja hyvinvointikeskuksen sisäänkäynti.

Speech therapy for children at the Vuosaari Family Centre

Address: Kahvikuja 3, 00980 Helsinki

Speech therapy for children in Gräsviken

Address: Itämerenkatu 5 A, 00180 Helsinki

You can also find this page at hel.fi/speech-therapy-for-children.